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Vol. 51 (1979): Our Past


On the hundredth anniversary of the coronation of the image of the Dormition and Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Stara Wieś (1877-1977) ​

  • Bronisław Natoński
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1979-06-30


The first coronation of the image of the Virgin Mary in Poland in the 19th century, it took place on September 8, 1877 in Stara Wieś near Brzozów, in today's Krosno Voivodeship. More than 100,000 people came to this ceremony: Poles from the three partitions, Ruthenians and Slovaks from Humenne, where, according to folk legend, the painting of the Dormition and Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was from. miraculously moved to Stara Wieś five centuries ago. The Old Town celebrations ended with a procession during which the painting was returned to its former place in the main altar of the church. The image was carried by Polish and Russian peasants, nobility and clergy. The procession was led by Uniate Metropolitan Sembratowicz. The rapprochement of the Uniates with the Latins, and especially with the Jesuits, was of great importance for the future. The coronation anniversary celebrations took place in September 1978


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