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Vol. 58 (1982): Our Past


The history of the monastery of Norbertine nuns in Krakow in Zwierzyniec. Part two 1840-1945

  • Krystyna Kramarska-Anyszek
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1982-12-30


The second part of the work describing the history of the monastery of the Norbertine Sisters in Krakow in Zwierzyniec presents the next, hundred-year stage of history in the years 1840-1940. In these difficult times of wars and uprisings, the Norbertines of Zwierzyniec have fulfilled a number of important social, educational and spiritual functions over the years. The work also contains a list of professed women from the mid-19th century, with abbesses marked, and excerpts from the accounting books regarding the convent's charitable activities.


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  2. Łubieński B., O. J. Podgórski — redemptorysta, Kraków 1913. [Google Scholar]
  3. Łukaszewska M., Siedemsetletnie dzieje 1226—1926 klasztoru PP Norbertanek w Imbramowicach, Przemyśl 1926. [Google Scholar]


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