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Vol. 63 (1985): Our Past


Pastoral influence of the Lublin Capuchins (1724-1864)

  • Marek Budziarek
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1985-06-30


The first organized group of Capuchin monks arrived in Lublin in 1724. The monks immediately began pastoral work - initially in a makeshift chapel, and from 1733 in their monastery church of St. Peter and Paul. They conducted regular apostolic activities until November 1864, when the Lublin monastery was dissolved by the tsarist authorities as part of the repression after the defeat of the January Uprising. The apostolic service of the Capuchins in Lublin covered all classes of the population of this former seat of the tribunal. Their circle of influence included the nobility, middle class, monastic and diocesan clergy, as well as foreigners, military personnel and prisoners. The basis of this ministry, which lasted almost a century and a half, was the monastery church, and the basic pastoral measures were exemplary services of the church year, numerous "extraordinary" services, preaching and confession. The pastoral activity of the Lublin Capuchins was not only a fulfillment of the rule of their order, but also constituted an authentic evangelical service that earned them the recognition of the clergy and the laity.


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