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Vol. 98 (2002): Our Past


Calls of churches and hospital chapels in the Krakow diocese until 1539

  • Marcin Spórna
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2002-12-30


Issues related to medieval hospitalism do not often appear in national medievalist publications. As a result, the literature is not abundant, but very diverse. Given the current state of knowledge, it is difficult to attempt a more thorough analysis of calls considered to be "typical" hospital calls. The occurrence of 34 different titles in the Krakow diocese, representing all typological groups, may indicate their abundance, but due to the lack of comparative studies from other dioceses, it is difficult to draw final conclusions. At this point we should express hope that research on the calls of hospital churches will finally be undertaken. It is necessary to develop a unified model in studies on this issue, taking into account, in addition to the main titles, also co-patrons and secondary calls. Only then, with parallel work on the catalog of "hospital" calls on a nationwide scale, will we be able to capture the ways in which Christianity was received on Polish lands, and thus deepen the existing knowledge of the religious mentality of the Middle Ages.


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