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Vol. 77 (1992): Our Past


Vicars of the Płock cathedral in the 13th - mid-15th centuries. Vol. 2. Selected issues

  • Andrzej Radzimiński
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1992-06-30


The problem of cathedral vicars in Płock has not yet been solved from a legal and structural perspective. In the historiographical literature devoted to the Płock cathedral, there is no information about the types of cathedral vicars, their number, ordinations, rights, duties or benefices. This article is devoted to these issues. It is comparative in nature: legal solutions in important Polish cathedrals are compared with some German ones. Cathedral vicars appeared in some German cathedrals already at the turn of the 11th and 12th centuries, and in Poland, at the cathedral church in Płock, only at the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries. The types of cathedral vicariates were diverse, especially in German cathedral churches; less in Polish - including in Płock. However, they were based only on two types of benefices: perpetual and temporary. This resulted in a different nature of the privileges and obligations of benefactors. The number of cathedral vicars in Płock was at least 12 clergy and was much lower than canonical benefices. However, it happened that in other cathedral churches - both Polish and German - the number of cathedral vicars was equal to or even greater than the benefices. The cathedral vicars in Płock had to be ordained priests; sometimes, however, they took office without meeting this requirement. Their duties mainly included permanent residence in the cathedral church and observing divine worship. Their salary consisted primarily of tithes from over 70 towns, but also income from the canons' benefices, from the joint property of the chapter and the bishop, and numerous donations, including: from lay people.


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