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Vol. 77 (1992): Our Past


The coat of arms and seals of Góra Kalwaria

  • Marian Pisarzak
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1992-06-30


The article discusses the initiative to establish the Society of Lovers of Góra Kalwaria and Czersk and to restore the original coat of arms of the town of Góra Kalwaria. The first part of the initiative, regarding the establishment of the Society, was implemented in 1989 after registration at the Provincial Court in Warsaw. However, restoring the city's original coat of arms was a task that required undertaking historical research in order to discover the original symbolism of the coat of arms, which had been forgotten or distorted in history. The author of the article, having experience in researching the history of Góra Kalwaria, especially in terms of church institutions and religious cult, was in a favorable position to conduct this study. The modern name "Góra Kalwaria" was established after 1815, previously the name "New Jerusalem" was used from around 1670, and in the Middle Ages "Góra" or "Gura". The study of the coat of arms has social and cultural significance because it contributes to understanding the history of the city and its culture. The analysis of stamps, pistons and impressions of city and parish seals is a key way to discover information about the coat of arms and its evolution over time. The method of historical analysis and retrospection is used to learn about the beginnings of the city's foundation.


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