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Vol. 77 (1992): Our Past


A sermon by Jan of Słupca about St Wojciech's contribution to the history of the Polish state ideology in the second half of the 15th century

  • Łukasz Walczy
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1992-06-30


In Jerzy Wolny's article on the cathedral environment in Kraków during the times of Jan Długosz (1431-1480), it is noted that there was an important codex kept in the Jagiellonian Library. This codex contains Latin texts of sermons for the entire church year by Jan of Słupca, who was a professor at the University of Krakow. The author of the article, while collecting materials for a work on the intellectual elite of the second half of the 15th century, became interested in this codex. This was encouraged by the discovery in the files of the Krakow chapter of a note entrusting Jan with the position of cathedral preacher at the request of Casimir Jagiellon. Based on this information, it can be concluded that the author of the sermons could have been not only a cathedral preacher, but also a court preacher. It was therefore expected that patriotic threads would appear in the texts of sermons, referring to the political ideas of the monarchy and his associates. Such threads can actually be found in the sermon for the day of the patron saint of Poland, St. Wojciech, prepared by Jan from Słupca. The sermon consists of two parts. The first is strictly theological, where the author considers the problem of faith and works as conditions of salvation, defining hope as trust in what one loves. The second part shows Saint. Wojciech, emphasizing his connections with Poland and presenting his life from the moment he left Prague, through the mission in Hungary, his stay in Poland at the invitation of Bolesław the Brave, until his martyr's death during the Prussian mission.


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