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Vol. 90 (1998): Our Past


The Spiš deanery of the Krakow diocese in the light of the visitation of 1728

  • Tadeusz M. Trajdos
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1998-12-30


At the turn of the 16th century the jurisdiction of the Cracow diocese was extended to the County of Lubowla in Spisz, a region to the east of the Tatra Mts, which had belonged to Poland from 1412. The six parishes in that area, all of which had been founded in the Middle Ages, were recovered from the Lutherans in the early years of the 17th century and handed back to the Catholics. In 1643 the Spisz parishes were gathers into a decanate, which was attached to the Archdeanery of Sącz. The only visitation of the Spisz decanate took place in 1728 and it was carried out by Archdean Józef Jordan.
This paper examines the church structures and religious life in the Spisz decanate in the second quarter of the 18th century as shown by Archdean Jordan’s visitation report.


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