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Vol. 92 (1999): Our Past


Not one but two Adames from Opatów at the University of Krakow in the first half of the 17th century

  • Jan Krukowski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1999-12-30


In the first half of the 17th century, not one, but two Adames from Opatów were active at the University of Krakow and its surroundings, which may lead to confusion in the identification of the figures. Even famous historians, such as Karol and Stanisław Estreicher, recorded information about one Adam from Opatów in their works, suggesting that he was the same man. However, there were two Adamas from Opatów operating at the same time. Adam from Opatów, sister Maciej, was born in 1574. He began his studies at the University of Krakow in 1592 and gradually obtained further academic titles, such as a master's degree in liberal arts in 1598. At the same time, he developed his clerical career and was ordained a priest. From 1607, Adam could no longer hold the position of head of the parish school due to university and church regulations. In 1617, he was reprimanded by the rector's court for patronizing anti-Jewish looting committed by students of the Kazimierz school, where he served as a senior. In 1623, he became a member of the Collegium Minus, which allowed him to manage parish schools. In the following years he worked at the University of Krakow, until 1625. His scientific work was noted in the Estreicher bibliography. However, there are several inaccuracies in the attribution of some works to him, which may lead to misidentification of the characters. Sr. Maciej's entire biography of Adam of Opatów requires further elaboration to clarify ambiguities and provide a more accurate understanding of his actions and influence.


  1. Bukowski J. , Adam Opatovius, dawny akademik krakowski. Kartka dziejów Uniwersytetu Krakowsieg, Warszawa 1900. [Google Scholar]
  2. Estreicher K., Bibliografia polska, 23, wyd. S. Es treicher, Kraków 1910. [Google Scholar]
  3. Estreicher K., Bibliografia polska,Kraków 1933. [Google Scholar]


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