This article is concerned with the foundation process of the Cistercian monastery at Mogiła near Kraków. Its aim is to provide a critical reassessment and amplification of the relevant fragment of the entry 'Mogiła' in the Monasticon Cisterciense Poloniae. It discusses the chronology of the foundation (1218/1220-1225) and its location (Kacice-Mogiła) and analyzes the initial endowment. The problem of the Abbey's founding father is resolved here by the identification of Iwon Odrowąż, the bishop of Kraków, and Wisław, one of his relatives, as the first and second founder respectively. In addressing the question of why the foundation was set up the article distinguishes between devotional and eschatological reasons, and a motivation which had to do with accentuating the founders' family status. The latter, however, crumbled even before the work could be completed. Other members of the Odrowąż family opposed what they saw as an irreversible alienation of patrimony. Consequently, in the second phase of the founding process Bishop Iwon could hardly have given priority to that kind of motivation. It is more likely that he thought primarly about strengthening the religious potential of Kraków, raising its rank, stepping up the christianisation of the region and starting a reform programme. The article also considers other motives which may have attended the foundation (eg. stimulating human settlement and economic development). Finally, the discussion focuses on the choice of Libiąż as the parental house of the foundation.
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