This work is a critical edition of the source of church history, which is the Inventory of the Convent of the Calced Carmelites of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Horodyszcze, written in 1772. The congregation depicted in the edited source was the largest and wealthiest monastery of the Order of Calced Carmelites in Volhynia in the second half of the 18th century and in the first three decades of the following century.
Its turbulent history, however, has not been widely recognized in the existing literature.
The inventory is therefore a source, providing a glimpse into the life of the order, about which very little is known. The document contains information about the monastery
and the Carmelite church in Horodyszcze, the monastic library, as well as the monastery property consisting of the villages of Horodyszcze and Paszuki.