"An intelligent and talented worker is the People's Republic future". The state and the Church in the process of youth education in 1945-1951 in the example of Private Salesian Male Tailoring Gymnasium in Wroclaw 417-439 Marcin Musiał
"Eine Berichtigung einer Berichtigung". Antwort dem Institutfür ostdeutsche Kultur und Kirchengeschichte 221-242 Wincenty Urban
"Friend of Christian Truth ". A monographic sketch of the first Polish theological journal: Szkic monograficzny pierwszego polskiego czasopisma teologicznego 201-236 Jan Kwolek, Dominik Bialic
"God, the Vatican, governments, red crosses forgot about us...": I am alive - a selection of answers to the survey of Fr. Prof. K. Michalski from 1945, addressed to former political prisoners from the times of the German occupation, Krakow 2012 233-239 Joanna Lubecka
35-lecie pracy naukowo-dydaktycznej ks. Aleksandra Usowicza w Instytucie Teologicznym Księży Misjonarzy w Krakowie 183-188 Jan Telus CM
6th District Regional Conference "The contribution of the clergy to the development of culture and literature in Silesia" 233-237 Bogumiła Warząchowska
A chronological review of events in the life and activities of Fr. Bronisław Markiewicz 5-12 Walerian Moroz
A funeral speech delivered at the Holy Mass for the late Fr. Editor Alfons Schletz on March 31, 1981 in the church of the Congregation of the Mission in Stradom 7-11 Marian Rechowicz
A guide to the Polish American Archives at Orchard Lake. Review: Roman Nir, A catalogue of the Polish Diaspora Archives at Orchard Lake, vol. 1, Orchard Lake 1996; Roman Nir, A catalogue of the collection of Dr. Edward and Loda Różański at Orchard Lake, vol. 1, Orchard Lake 1997 513-517 Jan Kopiec
A letter of the Holy Father John Paul II to the Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission, Fr. Richard McCullen CM I-VII Jan Paweł II