On the hundredth anniversary of the coronation of the image of the Dormition and Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Stara Wieś (1877-1977) 119-139 Bronisław Natoński
Outpatient care of the sick and the poor in the Congregation of the Sisters of St Elisabeth in the years 1842-1914 249-283 Sapientia Stach
Outpatient care of the sick and the poor of the Sisters of St Elisabeth in Poland in the years 1914-1978 285-338 Teodozja Zipzer
Parish network in Zagłębie Dąbrowskie at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries 393-414 Dorota Rosińska
Parish organization of the Catholic Church in Gdańsk from the middle ages to the creation of the apostolic administration in the Free City of Gdańsk 71-92 Agnieszka Kobus
Pastoral Ministry of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński and the Reality of the Peoples’ Republic of Poland: A Pragmatism of Resistance (1956-1970) 185-232 Ryszard Ficek
Peter Raina, The Church in the Polish People's Republic. The Catholic Church and the state in the light of documents of 1945-1989, vol. 1: years 1945-59, Poznań 1994 403-406 Roland Prejs
Piety of noblemen between Vistula and Pilica since the second half of XIX century to 1939 - selected problems 265-292 Mariusz Nowak
Polish Cistercians and the fate of their patrimonium until today. The outline of the problem 13-34 Andrzej M. Wyrwa