Review: Jerzy Pietrzak, The fullness of primacy. The last years of the Polish Primate, Cardinal August Hlond 1945-1948, Vol. 1-2, Poznań 2009 357-363 Jan Kopiec
Review: Jerzy Starnawski, Jesuit writers in Poland (XVI-XX centuries). Studies and materials. Higher School of Philosophy and Pedagogy Ignacianum - WAM Publishing House, Kraków 2007 367-373 Marceli Kosman
Review: Karolina M. Kasperkiewicz, The Servant of God Józef S. Pelczar, Bishop of Przemyśl. Biographical sketch, Rome 1972 227-231 Karol Górski
Review: Krzysztof Rafał Prokop, Archbishops of Halych and Lviv of the Latin Rite, Biały Dunajec-Ostróg 2010 207-217 Roman Kawecki
Review: Krzysztof Rafał Prokop, Bishops of Kamieniec from the Middle Ages to the present day, Biały Dunajec-Ostróg 2007 375-382 Roman Kawecki
Review: Ks. Józef Mandziuk, Silesia Sacra. Śląscy święci, błogosławieni, słudzy Boży i świątobliwi na przestrzeni wieków, Wydawnictwo Biblioteki Śląskiej: Katowice 2021, ss. 480. 355-362 Ludwika Sadzikowska
Review: Lech Krzyżanowski, The Catholic Church towards the German minority in Upper Silesia in the years 1922-1930, Katowice 2000 411-421 Mariusz Trąba
Review: Life, work, martyrdom of Fr. Kazimierz Sykulski, ed. K. Zemeła and G. Miernik, Skarżysko-Kamienna 1999 471-476 Ryszard Gryz
Review: M. Daniluk SCJ, "Sigla: the collection of the abbreviations of names of the institutes of consecrated life, societies of apostolic life and other institutions associated with them”, Lublin 2002 489-490 Małgorzata Borkowska
Review: Maria Winowska, Brother Albert or the face of outrages, Paryż 1953 324-332 Zdzisław Obertyński
Review: Monasteries in the eastern territories of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from the 16th to the beginning of the 20th century. Collective work, ed. Jolanta Gwioździk, Rafał Witkowski and Andrzej Marek Wyrwa, Poznań 2014 211-217 Marceli Kosman
Review: Parish missions of the Polish Redemptorists in the years 1886-1918, Kraków 1998 389-393 Jan Kracik
Review: Peter Raina, The Church in the Polish People's Republic. The Catholic Church and the state in the light of documents, vol. 2: Years 1960-1974, Poznań 1995; vol. 3: Years 1975-1989, Poznań-Pelplin 1996 397-399 Roland Prejs
Review: Piotr Paweł Gach, The dissolution of orders in the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Silesia 1773-1914, Lublin 1984 281-284 Daniel Olszewski
Review: Rev. Paweł Kummer, “Karol Wojtyła and liturgical reform in archdiocese of Cracow” 209-218 Michał Białkowski
Review: Rev. Paweł Kummer, “Karol Wojtyła and liturgical reform in archdiocese of Cracow”, Krakow 2022 2.209-217 Michał Białkowski
Review: Roman Darowski, Philosophy of the Jesuits in Poland in the 20th century. An attempt at synthesis - Authors' dictionary, Kraków 2001 463-468 Stanisław Cieślak
Review: Soldier-priest-prefect. Fr Wojciech Kowalik, 1893-1967, a catechist of secondary schools in Myślenice. On the centenary of his birth, ed. S Kowalik, Myślenice 1993 349-354 Jan Kracik
Review: Stanisław Bylina, "Man and the afterlife. Visions of posthumous punishments in mediaeval Poland", Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of History, Warsaw 1992 365-372 Waldemar Kowalski
Review: Stefan Ryłko, The Road to the Canonization of Blessed Stanisław Sołtys called Kazimierczyk, Kraków 1997 391-396 Tadeusz Masłowski