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Vol. 26 (2022)


Signature formative mechanism: family factor

  • Henryk Malewski
  • Rasa Tamošiūnaitė
  • Vidmantas Egidijus Kurapka
  • Snieguolė Matulienė
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-04-25


The article provides a brief overview of the literature reports on forensic analysis of signatures, whilst taking into the account the papers of Lithuanian handwriting examiners. The importance of the signature in the 21st century society continues to be quite high. In the process of socialization, a young person takes responsibility for certain decisions, accompanied by signing of documents. The process of signature maturity and the factors that influence this process belong to one of the less recognized issues in handwriting analysis. The authors of this article have undertaken the investigation in that matter and, in the first step, after the experiment, they conducted preliminary evaluation of the influence of family members and their signatures on the process of elaboration of writing skill in the signature of a young person.

During the experiment, the attention was paid to the structure (transcription, overall picture) and common characteristics of the signatures. Those signatures whose structure (letter, non-letter, mixed) and most general characteristics (size, line direction, slope, etc.) were similar were considered alike. The results of the experiment demonstrated the similarity typically in such features as signature starting line, length, structure (letter or non-letter elements, line direction), as well as the order of letters in the names. The results of this study are of preliminary character, although it can already be stated that the signatures of family members in many cases influence the formative process of a young person's signature. The obtained findings encourage to conducting a more extensive study, also at the international level.


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