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Vol. 21 (2017)


Film’s portrayal of forensic generalizations – by the example of Criminal Minds series

  • Paweł Szybko
  • Marek Leśniak
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-06-06


Functioning of solidified forensic generalizations, their provenance and ways of using, belongs to the most current problems of forensic sciences. Films and series may illustrate generalizations that are used in specific fields of forensic sciences in a definite
period of time. Filmmakers often derive their knowledge about overpowering standards of a forensic science from forensic experts (with a consultant status). Therefore films may disclose generalization accepted in forensic sciences. The purpose of authors is to
present generalization used in series Criminal Minds by profilers. Then authors compare series the generalizations to generalization used in practice.


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