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Vol. 30 (2023)


The liquidation of religion in schools in the city of Tarnów and the Tarnów district in 1959-1961 in the light of SB documents in Tarnów

  • Ks. Kazimierz Talarek
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2024-10-25


Religious instruction has taken place in Polish schools for centuries. This also applied to the first years after the end of the Second World War. However, after 1947, religion in schools began to be slowly restricted. After the Agreement was signed on 14 April 1950, the communists agreed to its return. They pledged that they would not interfere with the teaching of religion. Unfortunately, these were only lip-service assurances. Religion was slowly erased from the timetable. It was only after Primate Stefan Wyszyński returned to Warsaw from his place that the authorities agreed to teach religion in all types of schools. As usual, they broke this promise too. The expulsion of religion began in 1959.
The article presented here shows the gradual removal of religion from schools in Tarnów and the Tarnów district, until its complete liquidation. At first, this concerned secondary schools First this concerned secondary schools, and then primary schools. Protests addressed to the educational authorities. The protests addressed to educational authorities by catechists and parents of youths and children attending religious education classes did not help. The diocesan curia in the diocese of Łódź was responsible for the implementation of the project. The Diocesan Curia in Tarnow, had a full picture of this lawlessness. The end of the struggle for religion in school was put to an end by the Act of the Parliament of the People's Republic of 15 July 1961 on the development of the system of education and upbringing", which definitively abolished religion in schools. In this way religion, which was present in Polish schools even under the partitions or during the occupation, was definitively abolished by the communists.


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