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Vol. 11 No. 1 (2018)


External Activities Undertaken by the UE in the Defence and Security Domain

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2018-06-30


The article covers the issue of the external activities undertaken by the EU in the defence and security domain. Referendum that took place on June 23rd 2016, that had a decisive impact on the Brexit event, made the EU readdress the issue of redefining the issue pertaining to the common defence and security policy, which also translates into further integration of the defence domain. The external actions undertaken by the EU and confirmation of its role as a global international actor are taking place within the framework of rules and goals pertaining to the common foreign and security policy, founded upon mutual development of solidarity policy among the Member States. The Council of Ministers, on December 11th 2017, in line with the regulations of the Treaty of Lisbon (articles 42, 6 and 46), made a decision to bring the PESCO (Permanent Structured Cooperation) to life. 25 EU member states (excluding the UK, Denmark and Malta) decided to join the Permanent Structured Cooperation scheme. Despite the attempt to create a European show of force in the defence and security domain, with Europe being fully responsible for its security, it shall be noted that this is just the beginning, and there is a lot still to be done in this area. Furthermore, despite the deepened collaboration among the member states, it shall not be forgotten that the national security still remains “the sole responsibility of each Member State”.


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