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Tom 25 Nr 1 (2017)

Teologia i kultura

Luteranizm na Śląsku w świetle pieśni śląskich protestantów

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 14.11.2019


The initial point of this article is a content of the hymnal Das Schlesische Provinzial-Gesangbuch (Breslau, sine datum) by the Silesian Lutherans. The historical and poetological analysis presented here on the one hand try to answer the questions how the Silesian authors expressed their religiosity and how the image of God and Jesus Christ was presented by them; on the other hand, it has to point to the common theological motives that are consist in these songs. The presented analysis is accompanied by the belief that music has a fundamental significance to the Christian faith and practice, as it was pointed out also in the treaty Lob der Musik by Martin Luther.


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