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Vol. 27 No. 1 (2019): John Paul II


Fuimus sacerdotes, fuit templum: ‘The Priest's Description’ in the Survey Responses of Priests AD 2018

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2019-07-10


‘The priest's description. The image of a priest in Polish culture in the 21st century’ (2018) is a collection of twelve texts that answer the questionnaire about the image of a priest in contemporary culture, film and media. Statements of priests dealing with literature, art and science are a testimony of faith of the generation of Polish priests that was shaped under the influence of saint John Paul II. The priests represent different environments, which is why the polyphony of the priest's credo reflects well the problems and divisions of the contemporary Church. This is also the right starting point for the reflection on the vocation, the sense of priestly ministry in the modern world and fidelity to the teaching of saint John Paul II.


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