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Vol. 28 No. 1 (2020)

Systematic theology

"According to the Whole:" the 'Catholicity' of the Church in the Theology of Henri de Lubac

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2020-06-29


This study has as its subject the meaning of the ‘catholicity’ of the Church in the works of Henri de Lubac. The French theologian, drawing his inspiration mainly from the Fathers of the Church, recovers the complete meaning of the adjective ‘Catholic,’ as containing in itself the true universality as well as the strictest unity. In his works he also tries to show that it is a multifaceted reality: the Church is Catholic in her social, historical and internal aspects. Only all three make up the full picture of her ‘catholicity.’ This study attempts to explain each of the three closely related aspects on the basis of a selection of de Lubac’s works. Although the French theologian does not belong to the most recent authors, it seems to us that his concept of the ‘three-dimensional’ character of Catholicism can help to develop the proper attitude of the Church towards today’s world – so that it will be possible to avoid both the loss of identity and the closed, sectarian mentality.


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