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Vol. 24 No. 1 (2016)

Dogmatic and biblical theology

Document of the Holy See in half a Century after Nostra Aetate

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Published: 2019-11-13


The latest document ot the Commission of the Holy See for Religious Relations with the Jews, the fourth turn, is strictly theological. Taken in the four specific issues: (1) the importance of revelation (God’s Word), (2) the relationship between the Old and New Testament/Covenant, (3) the relationship between the universality of salvation in Jesus Christ and saying that God’s covenant with Israel has never been revoked, and (4) the task of evangelization of the Church in relation to Judaism. In addition, the document provides a brief overview of the impact of the Second Vatican Council declaration Nostra Aetate, determines the status of dialogue Catholic-Judaic and its objectives. The article is a critical commentary on the document and author a discussion on it.


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