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Tom 23 Nr 2 (2015)

Teologia biblijna

Wokół problemu datacji Dziejów Apostolskich

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 29.11.2019


The article shows a new trend of research in the American biblical studies concerning canonical Acts, which departs from the traditional assign them Luke, the companion of St. Paul, and moves their rise at the beginning of the second century (100 –150). Shows that arguments for the appeal, to which the consequences of interpretation leads and how it affects the reconstruction of the origins of Christianity. Shifting of dating the writing of the Acts allows to treat them as polemical work to the theology of Cerdon and Marcion. Location them in this historical context, better explains the relationship of the Acts of the person of Paul of Tarsus and his letters. At the same time the message appears as mythological, but not divorced from historical reality, but bonded with him by interpreting the word of God, which introduces the recipients in the history of the sacred. This is subordinated to the language the author of Acts, which should be treated as performative.


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