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Vol. 22 No. 1 (2014)

Church history

Life accomplishment of Cyprian – monk and bishop of Wrocław in 1201–1207

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Published: 2019-12-18


In 1201 Cyprian became the bishop of Wrocław. Cyprian was a distinguished clergyman, because of his charismatic nature and organizational skills quickly climbed the ladder of church hierarchy. His church career began as a norbertine monk and ended as a bishop. Place and date of birth of Cyprian are unknown, but because of the name – Cyprian (not known in Poland in those days), it is to think, that he came from Latin or German countries. We know from the records, that Cyprian appeared in Silesia before 1193, where he got the task of reforming the norbertine community in Wroclaw. Organizational sense, efficient diplomacy and patronage of Prince Bolesław the Tall, Archbishop Peter of Gniezno and Bishop Żyrosław were contributing that he became the first abbot of the monastery of St. Vincent in Ołbin. Cyprian undertook also efforts, that premonstratensians communities occurred in other parts of Poland. In 1193 Cyprian became the bishop of the diocese in Lubusz, through the intercession of the Duke Boleslaw the Tall, but we do not have information about the rule on those areas. Cyprian enjoys great affection of Prince Boleslaw the Tall and his son Henry, soon became the bishop of Wrocław. This election, as well as personality of Cyprian in this position didn’t meet with the approval in Rome, but Duke Bolesław enjoying large graces from the Pope, because he favored the reform of the church, pushed through the approval of this choice. In this way Cyprian became the first Polish elective bishop. Cyprian’s tenure in Wrocław did not last too long. But in the annals was this time recording as abounding in good relations with the ducal manor, monasteries, with their own archbishopric and the papacy. During his reign and by his participation came to great foundation of Henry the Bearded, cistercian monastery in Trzebnica. He became a carer of cistercian, johannite and regular canons, he gave them new or approved old privileges. Cyprian as a bishop of Wrocław proved to be also an effective politician and diplomat. Thanks to him and support of archbishop of Gniezno and bishop of Kraków came to a settlement between Henry the Bearded and his uncle Mieszko. Bishop Cyprian died October 25, 1207. He was buried in the cistercian church in Lubiąż, next to his patron the Duke Boleslaw the Tall.


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