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Vol. 30 No. 2 (2022)

Church history

Görres School in Leipzig during World War II in the Light of the Resources of the Diocesan Archives in Bautzen

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Published: 2023-02-08


Görres School in Leipzig was a specific sign of the times in the early 20th century on the Catholic map of Germany. In terms of its vast offering and number of students, it was among the largest forms of Catholic adult education in existence at the time. This is especially noteworthy, as Leipzig was already in the Catholic diaspora at that time and belonged to the newly-established (1921) financially and structurally modest Meissen diocese. In 1935 the later Bishop Otto Spülbeck took over the custody of it. This article aims to present this distinctive phenomenon on the basis of the resources preserved in the diocesan archives of the Dresden-Meissen diocese. The files allow for a more accurate analyses of organizational developments only from 1941 onwards. The presentation of the forms of activity and their increasing limitations due to warfare is complemented by the context of adult ministry in the diocese and a brief presentation of the person heading the work.


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