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Vol. 31 No. 1 (2023)


Nowy Przekład Dynamiczny [New Dynamic Translation]: Is the NT Dynamic Translation into Polish Actually New? Can it be Considered a Translation? In what Sense is it Dynamic?

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-08-19


The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the NT translation Dobra Wiadomość o ratunku w Chrystusie. Nowy Przekład Dynamiczny opatrzony przypisami i odnośnikami referencyjnymi do osobistego studiowania, a także komentarzami filologicznymi, historycznymi i teologicznymi [The Good News of Rescue in Christ: A New Dynamic Translation with footnotes and reference links for personal study, as well as philological, historical and theological commentaries]. The content of the publication raises various questions about fundamental issues such as the method used, the potential audience, the purpose of the translation, translation solutions and factual errors, the content of footnotes and commentaries, and ways of obtaining biblical scholars’ reviews; moreover, the lack of information about the translators or the apparent separation from “Vocatio” Publishing House. The paper briefly presents the theory of dynamic equivalence to introduce a description of contradictions with the methodological assumptions, examples of factual errors and misinterpretation of the source text, as well as accounts of teaching in favour of a blurred concept of biblical Christianity. The paper will also include in-depth analyses of selected commentaries, footnotes and excerpts from the target text, which can be construed as an attempt to discourage the readers from the institutional churches and to win them over to a new idea.


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