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Tom 24 Nr 2 (2016)

Teologia dogmatyczyna i filozofia

Dogmat chalcedoński syntezą wcześniejszych formuł dogmatycznych i punktem odniesienia przyszłych

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Opublikowane: 28.10.2019


The dogmatic formulas are already created by the authors of books of the Bible, afterwards they are appeared in the liturgy and also within the whole tradition of the Church. The most important formulas are that which were created during the first ecumenical councils. They present precise synthesis of the manifested content. They answer for fundamental questions of the Christian faith, mainly within the context of occurrence of statements largely contrary to it. The dogmatic formula should be clear and precise, in order to know to what it is related. All these requirements are met by the Chalcedonian dogma which is the synthesis of earlier dogmatic formulas and the reference point for all formulas which will appear in the future.


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