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Tom 23 Nr 2 (2015)

Teologia dogmatyczna

Emanacje wewnętrzne Boga Trójjedynego (proballein)

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 02.12.2019


Theologians do not make use of the term ‘emanation’, since it has connotations of gnosis and pantheism. Careful analysis that takes into account all necessary and sufficient aspects defining the person allows for a more in-depth reflection, thus broadening the Christian understanding of God. The term ‘emanation’ is a suitable one, adequate and necessary at the first stage of reflection on substance. Connecting it to the reflection on personal properties of God allows for elucidating the relationship between God and the world. Without reflection terms like vestigium Dei or vestigium Trinitatis are incomprehensible. Is this an immanent element of the created beings or, conversely, a mere external discovery without a tangent point? The core of theology is to explain how separate beings interconnect. There is a lot to be done in this respect. In two thousand years Christian thought has not managed to express everything that is included in the Revelation.


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