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Vol. 32 No. 2 (2024)

Pastoral theology

Ordo Missae from 1965 as an Expression of Liturgical Renewal

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2024-11-29


This article shows the 1965 Ordo Missae, so-called “interim Mass rite,” as the first expression of the liturgical renewal made in accordance with the recommendations of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. The “interim Mass” organically flowing from the old missal, had its own new rites resulting from the first implementation of the conciliar liturgical renewal. The aim of this article is to introduce and explain the changes in the order of the celebration of the Mass at that time. This approach to the conciliar liturgical renewal makes it possible to understand why the liturgical reform was introduced gradually and, at the same time, helps to see what the Church’s renewed liturgy was originally intended to be. In the introduction to the article the problem of the 1965 Mass is outlined, the rites of which are described in four sections. The first section shows the introductory rites; the second, the liturgy of the word; the third, the Eucharistic liturgy and the fourth deals with the concluding rites of the Mass. In conclusions, it is emphasised that the conciliar liturgical renewal preserved the hermeneutics of continuity with the old rites, while introducing changes resulting from the objectives of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy.


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