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V. 31 N. 2 (2023): A Tribute to Joseph Ratzinger – Benedict XVI

Teologia systematyczna

"How is man saved?" An Essential Contribution by Joseph Ratzinger to the Theology of Religions

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Pubblicato: 2023-12-19


The article aims to present Joseph Ratzinger’s thought in the field of theology of religions, according to which both the salvific universality of Christ and the necessity of the Church for the salvation of every man (and thereby the deepest meaning of being Christian) appear inseparably. The author shows how Ratzinger outlines a vision with two focal points: the objective aspect of salvation with the theological understanding of the vicarious representation of Christ (and the Church with him) and the subjective conditions of salvation with a reflection on the human being. In the article, it is thus demonstrated how an essential salvific relationship – a synthesis of faith and love – can be established between man and God. It is further shown that Ratzinger also highlights the role which Christianity, together with world religions, can play in the common search for the truth about God and man, contributing to the unity of the human family. The article concludes with an observation that the depth of Ratzinger’s reflection on the question of salvation contributes to illuminating fundamental aspects of the complex theological problem of religions.

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