The author of the article presented the issue of relation between the faith and the sacrament of marriage in the perspective of the contents of motu proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus and a post-synodal exhortation Amoris laetitia. In his opinion, accentuating in art. 14 § 1 MIDI the question of lack of faith and the resulting legal terms such as exclusion of sacramental dignity of marriage (can. 1101 § 2 CIC/83) and error concerning sacramental dignity of marriage (can. 1099 CIC/83) remains in close relation with the context of secularized reality in which a modern man exists. Understanding the world around us while taking into particular consideration the changes it undergoes the author found very appropriate treating it as an expression of papal sensitivity. According to the author, things are different with the contents of the exhortation Amoris laetitia. He pointed out that the document does not include any clear reference to the question of relation between faith and sacramentality of marriage. This, he believes, results from the fact that for the time being, due to the ambiguity of results of research on the question of necessity of faith for the validity of sacramentality of marriage, one cannot set aside the principle exposing the indissolubility of contract and sacrament.