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No. 1–2 (2022)


Environmental crime – risk areas

  • Andrzej Bałandynowicz
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-10-10


For such a rich issue as economic crime, including environmental crime, it is not enough to simply adapt different theoretical constructs; a confrontation of the diverse interpretations of the phenomenon is also required. The fundamental issues to be studied are: a) the reasons and ways in which laws are established, b) the reasons and ways in which they are violated, c) the scope and overlapping areas of activity of the justice and control authorities. At the heart of these three issues is the question of authority – legitimacy for the legislature, for the people associated with the economy and for the actions of coercive bodies. Since the origins of the Old and New Testaments, there have been no more acceptable legitimising principles for the power of individuals and institutions than those which, when used, the authority must justify their existence by the consent of the majority.
More recently, according to a study by L. Harris, the American public expects businesses to eliminate crises and unemployment, control air and water pollution, participate in urban redevelopment, stimulate worker development, eliminate poverty and disease, and eliminate racial discrimination. However, public opinion is only an argument, and sometimes an alibi. We must recognise that views on the validity of the law vary widely among authors who are consensualists, pluralists or who view society from a neo-Marxist perspective. Whatever the theoretical alternative for analysis, the study of primary criminalisation processes in the field of environmental crime needs priorities.


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