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No. 1/18 (2023)


Socially Oriented Metaphors of Natural Phenomena in Lithuanian and Russian Poetry of the 20th century

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-06-14


This article examines socially oriented metaphors of atmospheric phenomena in Lithuanian and Russian poetry of the 20th century from a linguoculturological perspective in order to establish linguoculturological similarities and differences of these metaphors. Numerous metaphors for wind receive special attention in both languages, while the metaphors of another phenomenon, that is rain, are presented only in Russian poetry. It indicates the selectivity of poetic metaphors and poetic systems. From a linguocultural perspective, the distribution by professional spheres, as well as different significance of similar metaphors in the two poetic languages, are noteworthy. The metaphors of ‘social status’, which have the same qualities of the sphere that is initial for metaphors as their basis, reflect specific language features of the socio-cultural situation and their connection with the cultural tradition, which makes similar metaphors diametrically opposite in two languages.


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