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No. 1/16 (2022)


Specifics of teaching closely related languages teaching: The example of teaching Russian to Polish speakers and Polish to Russian speakers

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2022-06-10


This article is devoted to the specifics of teaching Slavic languages to other Slavs and focuses on the example of the Russian and Polish languages taught, respectively, to the Polish-speaking and Russian-speaking students. The article provides definitions of key terms such as: language interference, closely related languages, speech skill, speech error. The purpose of the article is to present, explain, characterize and classify some mechanisms of the errors in the speech of the students caused by language interference. An experiment was conducted among 60 respondents, 30 Poles, studying Russian and 30 Russian-native speakers studying Polish. The experimental research proved, that many structures of the native language impede the effective acquisition of the other Slavonic language. The manifestations of language interference at the morphological-syntactic level were studied. The proposed methodology, a kind of "mirror" interpretation of the problem, can be applied when comparing other pairs of Slavic languages in the context of language didactics.


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