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No. 2/17 (2022)


Somsiad and the other characters of memes (aspect of verbal creation)

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2022-12-16


This article contributes to a new area of research - the linguistics of conflict and the linguistics of everyday life. The author draws attention to the underexplored area of neighbourly communication in a conflict situation. This research attempts to determine which aspects of experience (real and virtual) motivate the authors of Polish and Russian memes to put words in characters' mouths. There are verbal creations that depend on a) spoken or written words, b) interpretation of facial expressions, gestures, and situation, c) correlation between stereotypical behaviour and stereotypical speaking skills. Special attention is given to the Polish phenomena of somsiad. The analysis is based on a multisensory and intertextual reading of the text as well as multilevel interpretation of memes’ verbal components.


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