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No. 14 (2020)


Thematic category of meal, cuisine, and hospitality in the Hungarian proverbial lore

  • Irina Zimonyi-Kalinyina
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2021-01-11


This study is aimed on the thematic selection of the Hungarian proverbs dealing with gastronomy and hospitality both in direct and figurative way. As a source for this compilation we used recent and earlier editions of the proverbs’ dictionaries. We searched for proverbs using keywords, and not only. A substantial number of proverbs was identified as belonging to this thematic group. Through the comparative and descriptive approach, we divided all the selected proverbial material into subgroups. A special semantic filter was applied to distinguish the proverbs containing so-called Hungarikum realia. The selection of Hungarian proverbs for this thematic groups was also used in order to contribute to the theory of the common Central-European linguistic area.


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