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No. 7 (2013)


Multimedia school textbook in glottodidactic discourse

Published: 2013-10-01


The author of this article assumes that a textbook is central to the process of teaching and learning a foreign language. Thus, it she attempted to discuss a multimedia textbook gaining popularity during foreign language classes. In the first part of the article dictionary definitions of the concept of a textbook are quoted and its features are presents. In the rest of the articke, the analysis of e-textbook in terms of both content and construction plays the leading role. The author came to the conclusion that a classic textbook and digital textbook do not differ much from each other, if we consider the global composition and content contained. She stresses, however, that a student using a printed textbook has a fixed educational path, which must be followed in order to achieve a given level of knowledge. On the other hand, a student can easily get lost in a e-textbook, in the structure of it, a student may also exceed the mandatory segments through the use of a variety of multimedia files embedded in its structure.


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