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Vol. 136 (2021): Nasza Przeszłość


Roman Catholic women's religious congregations in Świebodzice. Grey Nuns from Marienstrasse 11 (1866-1945)

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2021-12-30


The article is a very modest reason for the history of the religious house of the Congregation of the Grey Sisters of St. Elizabeth in Świebodzice during the years 1866-1945. The author briefly describes the origins of the order, as well as the circumstan-ces of the appearance of the sisters and the location of the religious institution in the city based on cartographic material (map) and iconographic (photos, old postcards). He goes on to mention the subject matter of Elizabethan activities. In addition, it reconstructs the personnel of the religious house during the 1930s in the light of the data contained in the pre-war address books (residents) of the city. Finally, he briefly discusses the history of the religious house during World War II (1939-1945), as well as the tragic post-war fate of individual sisters based on private arrangements.


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