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Vol. 132 (2019): Nasza Przeszłość


Polonica in the Navis peregrinorum (1561-1695)

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Published: 2019-12-30


The Navis Peregrinorum published by Fr. Bertrand Zimolong in 1938 is a valuable source for presenting the contacts of Poland with the Holy Land at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries. A section of the list of pilgrims from the Navis (up to 1636) was published for the first time in „Diarium Terrae Sanctae”, a quarterly published by the Custody of the Holy Land in the years 1908-1912. The Navis provides information about almost 3650 pilgrims, 65 of who were Polish. However, to prove their presence in the book, one should take into consideration the historical and geo-graphical location of Poland at that time. Index Peregrinorum is not consistent: for some pilgrims the native country is not given or the information is incorrect, some-times only their names have been registered. For others, the book also specifies their further history or even profession and religion. It is impossible to determine how many pilgrims from Poland came to Jerusalem, as the Franciscan friars did not register each pilgrim. To prove that, the author of the article has drawn up a list of Polish pilgrims who were not included in the book.


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