Priest of the Archdiocese of Cracow, graduate of the Papal Theological Academy in Cracow (2004) and Music Academy in Cracow (2011). Currently a doctoral student at the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow and an employee of the Archives of the Metropolitan Curia in Krakow.
Archbishop of Krakow, cardinal Karol Wojtyła, being an active participant of the Second Vatican Council and co-creator of its teaching, desired to transfer it into Polish Church, especially into the area of Krakow Archdiocese where he was the Shepherd. One of the ways to achieve this goal was to call together the Pastoral Synod which lasted for seven years (1972-1979) and was widely understood pastoral action in which not only could participate priests but also lay people. Dates of the beginning and the end of the Synod corresponded with the inception and martyr’s end of Saint Stanislaus bishop’s ministry in Krakow. Connecting the Synod with him was to both give an individual form and a testimony. According to the will of the author of the Synod, synodal study groups were established to identify local situations, formu-late recommendations and create evangelization initiatives. During the process of synodal works, cardinal Karol Wojtyła tried to lead the participants to explore synodal teaching and its practical meaning, however without imposing his own point of view. In fact, it was post-synodal pastoral method: help in development without managing. At the final documents preparation stage, Synodal Groups become environments of wide consultation because the Main Commission, combining work of all working committees, addressed them. Cardinal Wojtyła, as Pope John II, finished the work of the Synod. This was the way he repaid the debt of participation in the deliberations of the Second Vatican Council by sharing its teaching though the Synod at first with the Church in Krakow, subsequently through the great pontificate with the Universal Church.
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