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Vol. 125 (2016): Our Past


Public activity of the abbot of Bierzwnik, Anthony, at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries

  • Grzegorz Jacek Brzustowicz
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2016-06-30


The main aim of the article is to reconstruct the biography of one of the abbots of Bierzwnik at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries. Before Anthony came to Bierzwnik (Marienwalde), he had been a Cistercian prior in Paradyż. He became the Abbot of Bierzwnik in 1491. The first known trace of his public activity comes from 1494. Later, he was the witness of legal activities of the voyt of New March (Nowa Marchia) (1495), he participated in concluding an agreement by the Cistercian Convent in Recz (1495), he supervised the fulfilling of the monastic rule by the nuns in Recz (1495, 1510, 1516), he resolved the Brandenburg-Pomeranian conflict concerning a highwayman Materna (1496-1498), he mediated in the Brandenburg-Pomeranian conflict concerning Granów (1500), he fulfilled the duties of a curator of underage children and the widow of the voyt of New March killed in the Crusade (1503-1504), together with other abbots from Brandenburg he undertook activities to open a Cistercian College at Viadrina University (1507) and sent there monks from Bierzwnik (1511, 1514). His last known legal activity was the acknowledgement in 1519 of an agreement made by his predecessor in 1485 concerning a forest in the deserted village Torne. I acknowledge the possibility that a further reference to an abbot of Bierzwnik, without mentioning the official’s name, during his participation in the talks with the Pomeranians in 1522, could have concerned Anthony. The next known abbot of Bierzwnik, Otto, was mentioned in the sources only on 11th November 1534. It seems that Anthony had died long before this reference, supposedly in the second half of the 1520s.


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