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Vol. 129 (2018): Nasza Przeszłość


Dominican friar Kandyd Zielonko and his life under police surveillence in Orenburg in XIX century

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2018-06-30


The paper describes the fate of a Dominican friar Kandyd Zielonko from Lithuania who was deported to Orenburg at the border of Europe and Asia and worked there for the catholic community (most of its members being deportees), built a church, founded a parish, served as a parson, social worker. He was a cofounder of local ethnographic museum and one of the most colorful personalities of the Catholic Church in XIX century Russia. Zielonko was a nobleman, since 1815 a Dominican. In 1833 he was deported to Orenburg on political grounds and put under political surveillance. He became famous, well-known also by local governors. In 1839 Zielonko was nominated a chaplain of the army stationing there. In the years 1844-1847 he was building a church in Orenburg and went on to become a parson in 1850. He was serving to around 1700 Catholics. Zielonko was one of the most respected figures in this town and its vicinities. He founded a society for the care of the poor, schools of crafts for girls. The Dominican also run a local museum and extended its collection. He dies in November 1860 and was buried near the church he had built. His memory is still alive in Orenburg.


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