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Vol. 128 (2017): Nasza Przeszłość


The church of St. Miachael the Archangel in Iwieniec in the diocese of Pińsk in 1933

  • Waldemar Witold Żurek
Published: 2017-12-30


By the decision of the Bishop of Pińsk Kazimierz Bukraba, the parish priest in Iwieniec, Rev. Leon Bujnowski was replaced with Rev. Wincenty Frankiewicz in the middle of December 1933. The benefice of Iwieniec was given in the presence of the Dean of Iwieniec – Rev. Walerian Mackiewicz. At this ceremony the parish church and the chapel in Starzynki were handed over to the successor. The inventory prepared then details: liturgical objects and paraments used for worship, a presbytery and outbuildings, a parish archive and church land.


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