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Vol. 126 (2016): Our Past


The process of shaping the Ukrainian consciousness of the Greek Catholic clergy in Eastern Galicia in the 19th and 20th cent.

  • Adam Kubasik
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2016-12-30


Until the middle of the 19th cent., the Greek Catholic Church was nationally neutral. The intelligentsia, including priests, used the Polish language and considered themselves Polish. The Habsburg Monarchy government, which occupied Eastern Galicia, devised a project of raising separate Ruthenian clergy. With the help of specially selected lecturers, they tried to evoke in the students the feeling of national identity and hatred towards the Poles. In response, the Russian government sent many young people to Vienna: their task being to convince the Galician students that they were Russian. To counteract the Russian plans, the Austrian government decided to create a separate Ruthenian party, whose hatred towards the Poles would be linked with Austrian patriotism. In result, some Ruthenian priests started to emerge who did not consider themselves Poles or Russians, but Ukrainians.


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