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Vol. 126 (2016): Our Past


Education of the sisters of Congregation of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Archidiocese of Poznań in 1919-1939

  • Eleonora Hensche
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2016-12-30


The Congregation of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Archdiocese of Pozna in the interwar period encompassed only Pozna. The activity of the Congregation in this region depended mainly on education. The basic form of education was to prepare the girls for housework. Vocational School founded by the Congregation prepared the girls for their future duties as wives and mothers, developing skills such as cooking, linen production and knitting. Characteristic feature of pedagogical activity of the Congregation was an integrated educational system. The sisters put emphasis on religious, patriotic and social formation. Religious formation was directed at catholic education. In patriotic formation the sisters emphasised memory and identity. The aim of social formation was to develop interpersonal bonds. To that end the sisters organised balls, folk dances, stage productions, theatre, shorter and longer trips or interschool exchanges. Depending on the needs of the local community and the personal capabilities of the Congregation, the sisters participated in the life of the local Church, undertaking various forms of evangelisation, making their premises available for retreat groups and caring for the poor.


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