Vol. 119 (2013): Our Past
A contribution to the history of the St Catherine of Aleksandria church and parish in Kętrzyn in the 19th and the first half of the 20th century
In the first half of the 19th century, the Catholics from Kętrzyn were under the pastoral care of the priests from Święta Lipka. Since 1869, Masses were said in Kętrzyn periodically; a year later, they were celebrated every month. The first priest in the described town was August Hintz, who was appointed to this post on 23rd August 1872. The local community made efforts to buy a house, which would be appropriate to organise a chapel and an apartment for the priest. Finally, the right property was obtained for 900 thalers. Kętrzyn was established as a parish in 1893. Pastoral institutions from the Kętrzyn, Giżycko and Mrągowo poviats were under its protection. The local church was built in the years 1895-1896, according to the projects of the architect Fritz Heitmann. The above mentioned church is a neo-Gothic building, made of brick, erected on a rectangular plan with a square tower in the west. The cost of the construction of the described sacred building was 94 851.87 marks. The funds for this purpose were obtained not only in the Warmia diocese. A large financial input was submitted by the Saint Boniface and Adalbert Association. In 1912, a parish welfare center was built in Kętrzyn, where meetings of Catholic associations were held. At the beginning of the 1870s, about 180 Catholics lived in Kętrzyn and surrounding areas, and in 1929 about 1900 people belonged to the described parish.
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