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Vol. 117 (2012): Our Past


Alumni formation in Polish diocesan seminaries under the managment of the Congregation of the Mission (1675-1864)

  • Stanisław Rospond
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2012-06-30


Noticing the need for spiritual and material help for the poor in 17th century France, French priest Vincent de Paul (1581-1660) founded Confraternity of Charity (1617), Association of Ladies of Charity (1634) and two new congregations: Congregation of the Mission (1625) and Congregation of the Daughters of Charity (1633). Several hundred charity associations have since been founded in the Vincentian spirit, the most numerous of which are presently the Conferences of St. Vincent de Paul. One of the fundamental aims of the Vincentians has been to found and maintain theological seminaries. With this aim in mind they were brought to Poland by queen Marie Louise de Gonzaga in 1651. The first house was founded at the Holy Cross parish in the suburbs of  Warsaw (1653). After the difficulties of the first years resulting from the war with Sweden (1655-1660), the congregation gradually undertook missionary activity in the whole area of the Crown and Lithuania. A house in Chełmno (1676), two houses in Krakow (1682, 1686) and a house in Vilnius were founded. Already in 1685 Polish Province of the Congregation of the Mission was established. The 18th century was the heyday of the mission – during the First Partition of Poland (1772) the province consisted of thirty houses, in which 193 priests and brothers worked. The Congregation developed extensive activity of the people’s missions and managed 18 diocesan theological seminaries (among others for the Płock diocese, since 1710) Following the regulations of the Holy See, the Congregation of the Mission strove to create its own concept of ratio studiorum by setting conditions for the ordinaries necessary to achieve desired effects in alumni formation. It seems that the Congregation followed the ideal of education formed by St Vincent de Paul.


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