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Vol. 117 (2012): Our Past


The circumstances of the arrival of Vincentian Missionaries and the beginnings of Theological Seminary in Tykocin

  • Józef Łupiński
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2012-06-30


In the years 1771-1863 the theological seminary in Tykocin had 54 professors (not counting the regents, who were also lecturers and scholasticate directors). Almost all professors were ordained. They usually came to Tykocin soon after ordination (19 persons) or several years after ordination. Nine priests arrived immediately after ordination, only three had several years of ministerial experience. Most of them graduated from the Holy Cross Seminary in Warsaw. In the period in question there were 371 seminarists, 230 of whom took holy orders in their home dioceses or in other dioceses. The social origin of the alumni of Tykocin seminary essentially reflected the local social structure, which consisted mainly of moderately rich gentry. Most candidates able to cover the costs of education both before and during seminary studies came from this social stratum. On the basis of Tsar’s edict of 1864 and by the power of Regulations of Roman Catholic monasteries in the Kingdom of Poland and Instructions about the dissolution of monasteries in the Kingdom of Poland of the same year, the Vincentian House in Tykocin was closed on November 16th/28th of this year. The dissolution of the House ended the pastoral work of the Congregation of the Mission and the functioning of the theological seminary in Tykocin.


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