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Vol. 117 (2012): Our Past


Sufragan of Chełmno Seweryn Szczuka and his educational foundations

  • Bogusław Dygdała
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2012-06-30


Seweryn Szczuka (born in 1651) came from the minor Masovian nobility. In the years 1670-1672 he attended the Jesuit college in Rössel in Warmia. Initially, Szczuka chose the path of a military career and for several years he fought against the Turks, but eventually decided to join the clergy. In 1678 he entered the novitiate of the Lazarist congregation, but in 1680 he left the order. At the beginning of 1682, Seweryn Szczuka was ordained a priest and became the parish priest in Łomsza. Together with his relative, the vice-chancellor of Lithuania - Stanisław Antoni Szczuka, he worked on purchasing family estates near Szczuczyn in north-eastern Mazovia. From 1687 he was a canon of Kulmer, who actively participated in the work of this cathedral chapter, and from 1689 he was a pastor in the Thorn parish church. After the death of subsequent bishops of Kulm, Szczuka was the administrator of the bishoprics twice, in 1693 and 1694-1699. From 1700 to 1710 he was a canon of Gniezno. In 1703 he became a suffragan of Kulmer. Seweryn Szczuka, although not associated with the Order of Lazarus, became a supporter of this Order and its female branch of the Daughters of Charity. Especially during the Great Northern War, he financially supported the House of Łazarzyści Kulmer. In 1710 he again donated the Monastery of the Sisters of Mercy in Kulm. Szczuka also donated a school for girls run by sisters. In 1709, he allocated a substantial sum of 30,000 zlotys to the endowment of the theological seminary in Płock, provided that it was run by the Lazarists. In 1709 he also became a canon of Płock. In 1712 he brought Lazarists to Mława, entrusting them with running the parish. In the years 1712-1719 he was the administrator of the Kulm diocese. In 1722, he created a representation of the Daughters of Charity in Szczuczyn and entrusted the sisters with running a girls' school and a shelter. Seweryn Szczuka died on December 11, 1727. He was a skilful administrator and a zealous minister, but the characteristic feature of his activity was the support of the Lazarists and the schools they ran.


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