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Vol. 115 (2011): Our Past


Brotherhood of Łąki in Gniew. The study of the Church history in the West Prussia in the 19th century

  • Krzysztof Murawski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2011-12-30


Łąkowskie Brotherhood performed at least three important functions. First, it organized the pilgrimages of population from all Gdańsk’s Pomerania, Powiśle and Warmia to Łąki Bratiańskie. In this mode it concentrated not only the Polish population, but also the German Catholic population. Second, it was one of the instruments for recatholization mission of Kwidzyń and Susz districts. Third, the confraternity supported the last bastion of the Catholics in the East part of the West Pomerania from the decline the Marian sanctuary in Łąki Bratiańskie. Łąkowski Brotherhood was full of vitality organization supporting Polish spirituality in difficult period of kulturkampf, where the activity of Łąkowski confraternity was supported by the religious and national identity of the Poles.


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